Skills for Learning Workshops

Webinar - 'How to plan and structure your essay'

With: Laura Ettenfield and Alison Park

This webinar outlines ways to effectively plan essays, and will help you to develop your writing into a clear and logical structure.

Participation requires a device with internet connection and audio capabilities.

Please find the instructions for joining the ‘How to plan and structure your essay’ webinar on Friday 23rd November at 10:00, below:

Meeting Name: How to plan and structure your essay

Summary: This webinar outlines ways to effectively plan essays and will help you to develop your writing into a clear and logical structure.

When: 23rd November 2018 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM

Please join the meeting 10 minutes early so you have time to run the Audio Setup wizard.

Audio Set up wizard instructions here

If you have never participated in an Adobe Connect meeting before, prior to the meeting please read this overview, and test your connection:


Test your connection:

To join the meeting please follow this link:

Friday 23 November 2018
10:00 - 10:45
Registration has closed.